Asbestos is a mineral that is exposed to extreme pressures and suffer from physical and chemical changes. metamorphic rock that is, that has changed form, which contains magnesium and water (sea), and silica - a compound found in the shell. Asbestos has been formed there are millions of years. Temperature, pressure and chemical activity affects the physical and chemical properties of pre-existing rocks. If observed closely, thread-like filaments asbestosTherefore, is flexible. Unlike other minerals, crystals, was not linked.
What are the uses of asbestos in the area?
Asbestos is fire resistant and has been used as a component of hardware firewall. It is used in industries and construction.
What are the dangers of asbestos?
It was discovered that asbestos is a direct link to mesothelioma cancer came just before thecentury. The most common symptoms are chest pain, fluid in the lungs, shortness of breath, unexplained fatigue, anemia, blood in sputum, and wheezing, cough and hoarseness. In severe cases, a person may develop cancer or his lungs collapse. The disease can spread to other parts of the body. In severe cases, the accumulation of blood clots in the veins or lungs, the organs may bleed, jaundice develops, lower levels of blood sugar, severe ascites and can bedeveloped. Mesothelioma is a cancer risk is high. Other diseases are diseases asbestosis, lung cancer and lung cancer.
What is mesothelioma cancer?
It is a disease that is ravaging affects tissues containing the internal organs. usually occurs in the abdominal cavity and affects the lungs. People also develop tumors in response to this type of cancer. This type of tumor develops after 15-25 years after exposure to asbestos. Oncediagnosed, is fatal. The survival rate of patients with mesothelioma is between 6 and 24 months.
How can Asbestos be found?
Deadly asbestos fibers are invisible to the naked eye. You can not smell, taste. The fibers in the air and the fibers can be inhaled or ingested. The damage is permanent and irreversible.
Dallas, new york Denver, Colorado, Beltsville, Maryland;Dearborn, new york Easthampton, Massachusetts, Trenton, Edgewater, New Jersey, Newcastle and Ellwood City, Pasadena, Glendale and Phoenix, Arizona, Honolulu, Hawaii, Marysville, Ohio, Minneapolis, Minnesota Newark, New Orleans and new york, Santa Ana, California Louis Minot North Dakota, Omaha, Nebraska, Portland, Ore. St., Missouri, Tampa, Florida, Weedsport new york, Chicago, West, Wilder Kentucky, new york, Spokane, Washington.
what are the areas in the U.S. with high exposure to asbestos?
How many people have been exposed to asbestos?
Asbestos is also Mining Europe, Australia, Canada, South Africa and United Kingdom.
Who can complain with asbestos?
Documents show there were 730,000 individuals who have been exposed to asbestos and some 8,400 companies were pursued. Given the volume of litigation has caused the defendants and insurers to spend 70 billion dollars.
A trial of asbestos can be made by a relatives with one parent who developedmesothelioma and has already disappeared. a mix may also be made by somebody unintentionally, has developed the disease through close contact with a person exposed to asbestos.
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